Tuesday, August 27, 2024

2020--What A Year!


Yep, 2020 was quite a year! Published were two very different tales: one, a fantasy romance novel and, two, an epistolary narrative of Ancient Rome--a historical story told in diary format.

1. THE AWAY PLACE: Down-and-out Marta Jordan gets a second chance when the magical North and East Winds stage an intervention. Will she accept their challenge and to learn to love again?

Just Imagine Fanzine says: 5 Stars! THE AWAY PLACE delivers! You’ll find magic, romance, sexy encounters, second chances, precocious children, healing hearts, and an original classic fairytale: “The Princess’ Soulmate.” Young Marta Jordan has been hit so many times by tragedy, she’s begging for a do-over. The Four Winds of Myth and Legend decide to grant her request... in the form of good-time bad boy, Joe Noble. But whiskey-drinking, love-‘em-and-leave-‘em Joe is nobody’s hero. Or is he? Escape from your ordinary world with Ms. Knight’s latest fantasy, THE AWAY PLACE!

THE AWAY PLACE is available on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GM9MPNK and Smashwords.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1039949 

and Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/47vQXL

In print at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GVGC6D5

2. Then comes “Portia’s Diary”, a short epistolary narrative of Ancient Rome. What would Portia, Brutus’ wife, write in her diary on the days leading up to Julius Caesar’s assassination?

New York critic R. Goddard raves: Beautifully written. Sounds like Shakespeare. A huge hit!”

“Portia’s Diary is available on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B088HG88ST

Happy reading to all... no matter what the year!

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Take A Trip Back To--2021!

2021 saw the release of three Romance Writing with a Twist books, all in different genres.

1. The first addition to the year 2021 is FLIRTING CAN BE MURDER, a murder mystery romance where a tropical paradise offers romance... and murder to ten unsuspecting guests.

Mystery Maven’s Reviews says, 5 Stars! Secluded on a tropical island dedicated to the mega-wealthy are a variety of guests: a gambler, a widow, a divorcee, a flunkey, a drunkard, a gossip queen, a Hollywood actor, a nymphomaniac, a Gypsy, and an Italian count. One of these guests might also be doubling as a psychopath with his or her own agenda. Or is the killer one of the staff? The pace is fast, the murders come quickly, and the sexual tension is delicious! FLIRTING CAN BE MURDER serves a double dish of murder and romance that keeps you guessing

FLIRTING CAN BE MURDER is available on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q2BLPXH and


and Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/mv9WZj

In Print:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q91BFHT  

2. Next up is STOPPING THE ENEMY, the popular dystopian science fiction romance. After the Great Catastrophe, Rhuemma and her people struggle under the oppressive reign of the Dominus. Can she convince the Dominus’ right hand man, Wellington Vadis, that Might is not always Right?

Twists On Romance Reviews raves: 5 Stars! Once again, Ms. Knight strikes gold with this compelling tale of a troubled Earth. Recovering from a catastrophic event, two territories are nose-to-nose, steeped in hatred that is fanned by the contemptible breath of an evil ruler. However, STOPPING THE ENEMY is also a novel of hope, gifting the reader with optimism that Right overcomes Might.

STOPPING THE ENEMY is available on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DXGMXQ4 and


and Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/bM2YXX

In Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F1FVGQR

3. Last for 2021 is the frothy AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE. Lights, camera, action... time travel! Modern day Willa, on-site on a movie set in England, makes a wish and then wakes up in the year 1815!

Regency Fiction World says: 5 Stars! One of the things I love about Susanne Marie Knight’s time-travels is that she uses a different method of time-travel in each book. Here, the method is a lake enchanted by fairy folk. The protagonist is a contemporary young woman on the verge of adulthood who struggles to find her way in her unsympathetic world. Willa has very real concerns; she comes alive for the reader. The novel is filled with believable characters: from the consumed-by-duty hero; to the headstrong, flighty Regency miss; to the sullen cousin; to name only a few. For a magically different romantic read, head over to the enchanted lake and read AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE!AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE is available on Amazon.com

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YXSMRVR and


and Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/mVYRg6

In Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Z13GZ3H

Happy reading to all... no matter what the year!

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

2022--A Year To Remember!


2022 was a super year... not only for books written in English, but also a book in Portuguese!!

Let’s get the stats on these four books:

Get away from it all! Go... OFF THE GRID!

Running from her mother’s killers, Jean goes into hiding. A chance meeting with a small town’s chief of police upsets not only her escape plans but also changes her life.

Norwood Reviews says: “The chemistry between these two had me fanning my face!! This novel is a perfect escape from today’s busy world. OFF THE GRID is definitely a keeper!”

OFF THE GRID is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Next published is the popular time-travel Regency AN UNUSUAL MASQUERADE. Take a trip back to 1813, when a masked affair was de rigueur!

An ancient time mechanism is accidentally activated, sending modern-day Helene back to 1813.

On The Edge Reviews says: “This is a very inventive tale. We experience, along with Helene, the proper way a lady is expected to dress, talk, and behave. Can she ever return to her original home? Read this novel to find out!”

AN UNUSUAL MASQUERADE is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Now we have our first book translated into Portuguese! The five-star A QUESTING BOX is now available as: A Caixa Mágica. Romance de viagem no tempo--Versão em Português

Rae Santini plans to go on a quest to heal herself. What she doesn’t know is that she must travel back to the past to do it.

 Rae Santini planeja encontrar uma maneira de se curar. O que ela não sabe é que ela deve viajar de volta ao passado para faze-lo.

Booklover Review says: “5 Stars! I just love time travel romance... This book is just what I needed, a true time travel romance, none of that crazy stuff. Great story and I loved every minute.”

5 estrelas. Uma história de amor envolvente e apaixonante! Este é o primeiro romance de viagem no tempo que li e me prendeu do começo ao fim. Rae Santini está sofrendo com a perda de seu pai e dezoito anos depois ela tem que passar pelo luto novamente quando perde sua mãe e depois sua tia mais querida. Um presente especial que ela recebeu pelo correio de sua tia recentemente falecida a lança em uma busca para curar a si mesma e a outras pessoas com quem ela se preocupa profundamente, viajando no tempo para a Inglaterra do século XIX. Ela encontra o amor no processo e luta para tomar a decisão mais importante de sua vida. A história é envolvente e surpreendente. A autora nos transporta para o século XIX com uma habilidade magistral. Eu amei!

A Caixa Mágica. is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com and Print.

The last book to be published in 2022 is QUANTUM KISSES, an unusual “gem” of a story!

Can an ordinary gemstone bring together two people clearly meant for each other?

Twists On Romance Reviews says: “5 Stars! QUANTUM KISSES delivers an intriguing twist on romance! The reader even learns about Quantum Entanglement in this fun and frothy tale. Following young Annabelle through ‘decision points” in her adolescence into adulthood, we watch her become the woman she’s meant to be. Her path crosses Sam’s, over and over again, until finally, she’s ready to take the next step with him. All it takes is a Quantum Kiss! Don’t miss this one!”

QUANTUM KISSES is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Next up: we’ll check out books released in 2021!

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

2023--A Banner Year!


2023 was a banner year for Romance Writing with a Twist! Five, count ‘em, five books were released during this past year.

We started off the year with the popular paranormal romance, MY FAVORITE GHOST, who asks the question: Is it possible to make love to a ghost?

Just Imagine Fanzine says, “Getting these two together was fun to read. Their delightful banter made me keep turning the pages. I had no idea how this unusual situation would resolve itself. Ms. Knight delivers once again!”

MY FAVORITE GHOST is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Next published is the science fiction romance, THE ENTITLED, where one “lucky” lady finds out what it’s like to be kidnapped by an alien! After being turned down for an interstellar mission, Gelsey ends up going anyway when she is abducted by an alien.

Norwood Reviews says: Take a flight to a faraway planet. Solve the mystery of a world fighting with itself. Have a taste of Zaccheus, an Entitled one and one of the sexiest men alive--human OR alien. Will Earther Gelsey accept or reject proud Brhite warrior, Zaccheus? Grab a copy and find out!

THE ENTITLED is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com and in print.

Then we have June’s release, the family favorite, WISHING FOR A DUKE, a time-travel Regency, where we’ll see how a contemporary young woman thinks she has everything she wants... until a hypnosis session changes her mind... and her location!

The Romance Guide says: Pure heaven. Here is another Susanne Marie Knight time-travel Regency to binge on! Make a wish on a daisy, throw in a little Thyme, a hypnotic beat here, a village healer there, and voilà! You have all the fixings for a high-in-the-instep Duke to fall in love with a twenty-first century beautician. Will he ask her to become his Duchess? Will she say yes? Find out for yourself in WISHING FOR A DUKE!

WISHING FOR A DUKE is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwords.com, Universal Link, and Print.

And, then we have another Minx Tobin Mystery!! Back by popular demand! THE KISSING KISS is number seven in the mystery series. Minx worries that Los Angeles’ newest serial killer is after her husband, Gabe. But maybe it’s Minx that the killer wants to “kiss!”

On The Edge Reviews says: THE KILLING KISS is a delightful and inventive tale reuniting all the major players in the Minx Tobin universe. I enjoyed reading how each character “grew”... or not... in the year and a half since Book Number Six. If you enjoy well-written and satisfying whodunits, give the Minx Tobin Murder Mysteries a try. You won’t be disappointed! Two thumbs up!

The seventh case in the Minx Tobin Mystery Romance Series is now available electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwords.com, Universal Link, and in print.

The last book to be published in 2023 is the frothy contemporary romance, NEVER TRUST A BILLIONAIRE. Can working girl Claressa Lauriano outwit a not-to-be-trusted billionaire who is determined to have his way with her?

S.G. Reviews says: Beware of billionaires offering a single red rose! Claressa unsuspectingly accepts the flower, and ends up fake engaged to billionaire Elliot Beaumont. As she struggles to end this pretend arrangement, Elliot becomes more and more enamored of her. He wants the engagement to be real. Will he win Claressa over? I love how this down-to-earth gal unwittingly lassos in the uber-rich Elliot. That guy never had a chance!

Get your copy of NEVER TRUST A BILLIONAIRE at:

Amazon.com, Smashwords.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Next up: we’ll check out books released in 2022!

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!