Tuesday, August 13, 2024

2022--A Year To Remember!


2022 was a super year... not only for books written in English, but also a book in Portuguese!!

Let’s get the stats on these four books:

Get away from it all! Go... OFF THE GRID!

Running from her mother’s killers, Jean goes into hiding. A chance meeting with a small town’s chief of police upsets not only her escape plans but also changes her life.

Norwood Reviews says: “The chemistry between these two had me fanning my face!! This novel is a perfect escape from today’s busy world. OFF THE GRID is definitely a keeper!”

OFF THE GRID is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Next published is the popular time-travel Regency AN UNUSUAL MASQUERADE. Take a trip back to 1813, when a masked affair was de rigueur!

An ancient time mechanism is accidentally activated, sending modern-day Helene back to 1813.

On The Edge Reviews says: “This is a very inventive tale. We experience, along with Helene, the proper way a lady is expected to dress, talk, and behave. Can she ever return to her original home? Read this novel to find out!”

AN UNUSUAL MASQUERADE is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Now we have our first book translated into Portuguese! The five-star A QUESTING BOX is now available as: A Caixa Mágica. Romance de viagem no tempo--Versão em Português

Rae Santini plans to go on a quest to heal herself. What she doesn’t know is that she must travel back to the past to do it.

 Rae Santini planeja encontrar uma maneira de se curar. O que ela não sabe é que ela deve viajar de volta ao passado para faze-lo.

Booklover Review says: “5 Stars! I just love time travel romance... This book is just what I needed, a true time travel romance, none of that crazy stuff. Great story and I loved every minute.”

5 estrelas. Uma história de amor envolvente e apaixonante! Este é o primeiro romance de viagem no tempo que li e me prendeu do começo ao fim. Rae Santini está sofrendo com a perda de seu pai e dezoito anos depois ela tem que passar pelo luto novamente quando perde sua mãe e depois sua tia mais querida. Um presente especial que ela recebeu pelo correio de sua tia recentemente falecida a lança em uma busca para curar a si mesma e a outras pessoas com quem ela se preocupa profundamente, viajando no tempo para a Inglaterra do século XIX. Ela encontra o amor no processo e luta para tomar a decisão mais importante de sua vida. A história é envolvente e surpreendente. A autora nos transporta para o século XIX com uma habilidade magistral. Eu amei!

A Caixa Mágica. is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com and Print.

The last book to be published in 2022 is QUANTUM KISSES, an unusual “gem” of a story!

Can an ordinary gemstone bring together two people clearly meant for each other?

Twists On Romance Reviews says: “5 Stars! QUANTUM KISSES delivers an intriguing twist on romance! The reader even learns about Quantum Entanglement in this fun and frothy tale. Following young Annabelle through ‘decision points” in her adolescence into adulthood, we watch her become the woman she’s meant to be. Her path crosses Sam’s, over and over again, until finally, she’s ready to take the next step with him. All it takes is a Quantum Kiss! Don’t miss this one!”

QUANTUM KISSES is available for purchase electronically at Amazon.com, Smashwoods.com, Universal Link, and in print.

Next up: we’ll check out books released in 2021!

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!