Sunday, March 23, 2025



EPPIE Award Finalist for Best Historical Romance Novel

The idea for THE MAGIC TOKEN, a reader-favorite Regency romance and EPPIE Award Finalist for Best Historical Romance Novel came from a desire to combine a Regency tale with a touch of magic--the kind of magic where you might wonder, is this a coincidence or is it magic? Coincidentally (or was it?!) during my research for this book, I came across this sentence in a biography on Charles Darwin:

“[Charles’] friends enjoyed his tall stories:

he claimed to one that he owned a Roman coin.”

While his friends didn’t believe him, I did! THE MAGIC TOKEN soon took shape.

For my “What if” scenario, I used: What if a golden coin had the power to change one's fortunes?


When Amanda Barclay receives a magic token as a gift from a stranger, she is more than skeptical about whether this gold coin can change her fortunes. But then the very man who captured her heart years ago suddenly appears. Is it destiny or cruel fate? Does he even remember her? She desperately needs the position he offers as governess, but how can she endure being near to a man so beyond her reach?


Marcus Hamilton, Duke of Yarborough, is a man burdened by family and political responsibilities. He does not have the time nor the inclination to dally with women beneath his station. But a chance meeting throws him together with Mandy, the engaging young sprite from his past, causing him to reevaluate his beliefs. For once in his life, the call of love beckons far stronger than the duties and obligations of his position. 

THE MAGIC TOKEN was quickly earned 5 star reviews from, Visionary Insight Press, and The Romance Studio. My novel also was an EPPIE Finalist for Best Historical Romance. In fact, one reader posted this comment about my Regency on a blog: “The book THE MAGIC TOKEN by Susanne Knight would also make a good musical.” Wow! I’m still flattered!

THE MAGIC TOKEN is now available on at,, and Universal Link!

Here’s the new cover:

An old woman gives skeptical Amanda a magic coin. It couldn’t possibly work, but how else can she explain her sudden good fortune?

This book is part of the Elegant Regencies line.

Here are some fabulous reviews:

* 5 Hearts! The supporting characters are very good. I love Dona Inês weaving in and out of the story along with Pritchard, Nannette, Gregory and most especially Duca di Maggiore. Ms. Knight has given us a truly fun story! I enjoyed how she wove the magic into this, and that coin was just great! Another thing I liked about her story is the little pieces of history she added, like the line about the Marquess of Londonderry… of course, I’m a complete period geek and had already looked this up years ago. This is such a good read! I especially liked the epilogue where we see who Amanda passes the coin to for its next magic turn! Oh, and yes, I have read at least one other story by Ms. Knight (which I liked) and now I have to find her other work since I loved this story!--The Romance Studio

* 5 Stars! Another fine book from Ms. Knight! Her meticulous research into this period piece shines throughout this wonderful story. From beginning to end, her words paint the scenes with rich visuals which enrich the story line of the two main characters. You will be invested in this story after just a few pages and will not want to put it down. This book deserves its place among the other novels of Ms. Knight.--Visionary Insight Press

* THE MAGIC TOKEN is gloriously magical and loads of fun! Susanne Marie Knight has taken a magical plot device and whipped up a charming tale in THE MAGIC TOKEN. Her characters are full blown and interesting, while the minor characters add spice. Ms. Knight’s writing is bright, and full of that Regency flavor readers enjoy. A sprightly romp with makes for a blast of a read!--Sime-Gen Reviews

* 4 Roses! Ms. Knight weaves a tale of magic. The golden coin is suppose to bring the person good fortune but seems good fortune for the book as well! This was a very lighthearted read and very easy to finish in one sitting--so be prepared to spend time with this story from beginning to end!--A Romance Review

* THE MAGIC TOKEN is an enchanting take on the Cinderella fairytale, complete with an evil stepmother and fairy godmother. This is a well-researched, well-written story with wonderful characterizations. The duke, who has overcome his abusive childhood, is a great hero and Amanda is a caring and compassionate heroine. There was also a very pleasing secondary romance between the squire’s son and the Portuguese woman’s granddaughter. THE MAGIC TOKEN was a great Regency read, with some magical elements. If you like fairytales, give THE MAGIC TOKEN a try.--PNR Reviews

* Susanne Marie Knight is a talented, versatile author whose books run from this light traditional Regency with a magical element, to time-travel, sci-fi romance, paranormal romantic suspense, mystery, and contemporary romance.--Romance Reviews Today

* THE MAGIC TOKEN has Knight’s usual boisterous extended family, lonely child with a flighty mother and spunky heroine who wins the hero’s heart without even trying to. The characters are vivid and sympathetic, and the story rolls along nicely. There are hints of true magic in the story--the good luck charm is depicted as a token with real power--but the romance and most of the story itself rests on the usual day-to-day lives of the characters. Knight writes Regency romance well, her language and the concerns of the characters clearly reflect the culture they are living in.--PNR Reviews

* 5 Stars!! A Real Page Turner! My family loved THE MAGIC TOKEN. It's a charming Regency imbued with magic and lots of wonderful characters. Once I opened the book, I left all my troubles behind and had a lively adventure with Amanda, Marcus, and company. Isn't that what reading is all about? My heartfelt thanks to Ms. Knight. I'm one of her fans!--Reader Comment

* OH … MY … GOSH!!! I just finished The Magic Token! I loved it! LOVE LOVE LOVED it! You are such a gifted writer … l love how you wove the story in and out of all the different real historical facts. And the coup de grace was Charles Darwin--and how you read about his mentioning he had a gold coin… wow, too cool! And I loved the comeuppance of Nanette… LOL… I just loved the book… and Gregory! I loved your line about how she looked in Marcus’s eyes, then they became the eyes of a stranger! It was great! Love love loved it!--Reader Comment

* Enjoyed it very much. This is a page-turner!--Reader Comment

* Fans of Susanne Marie Knight will enjoy THE MAGIC TOKEN!--Reader Comment

* Leave all your cares away and enter an exciting new world. Live the dreams and enjoy all that you read--problems are forgotten and love, romance, excitement and live a life not only different, but one you could never believe you could. Reading is in fact another world--it affords you an escape and entertainment too easily left behind because of television and movies. They can never give you the true entertainment and excitement a good book does. Read one of [Susanne Marie Knight's] books and compare--you will not be sorry.--Reader Comment

* A charming Regency with the intrigue of magic twisted with the fortunes of fate played out with wonderful characters.--Reader Comment

* A lovely story! I really enjoyed it.--Reader Comment.


As for a real life connection to this book, along with Amanda Barclay, I too have an interest in healing. Although I don’t use healing remedies on people in my “village” as Amanda does, I do have a Masters of Science degree in Natural Health.

Here is a passage from the beginning of THE MAGIC TOKEN where a young Amanda first meets Marcus--inadvertently and unexpectedly--in the woods on midsummer night’s eve.

Marcus must have noticed her melancholy. A strange, hungered expression overtook his face. “Don’t ever change, sweet Mandy. I can tell you are one in a million.”

Clearing his throat, he gave her the basket. “Well, my moppet, you best be getting home. Shall I escort you?”

“No, thank you kindly, Marcus. I should return by myself. But what about you?”

“Ah, I am doomed to wander the woods ‘til sleep comes to claim me. You see, dear Mandy, I suffer from insomnia. That is why I happen to be out at this ungodly hour.”

He took a step away from her, then bowed. “‘Tis of no import. My thanks for a diverting evening.”

An unfamiliar ache settled over her heart. She did not understand it; nor could she explain it. For some unknown reason, she did not want Marcus to leave. “Wait! I have something that might help you.”

Reaching into her basket, she pulled out a small linen pouch filled with the herb chamomile. “Here, steep this in boiling water to make chamomile tea. It will let you sleep.”

Marcus’ grin made him appear younger than his years. Laughing, he shook his head. “What’s this? Are you a traveling apothecary? My wondrous Mandy.”

She liked being his wondrous Mandy, but his admiration made her uncomfortable. “I want to heal people when I grow up,” she mumbled at her bare toes. Her friends usually laughed at her when she told them her ambition.

He accepted the pouch, then lifted her chin. “A noble aspiration. However, I do believe you are already grown up, while I, on the other hand, have a long way to go.”


Once again, two strangers meet by chance. Or is it something more, is it... destiny?

I hope you enjoy Amanda and Marcus’ story.

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Sunday, March 16, 2025


Big, beefy, brawny, well-built men: yep, those fellows catch my eye for sure! So when I came across the picture you see on the cover of THE ENTITLED, I knew I had to give this body builder a story of his own. In perusing the covers for the science fiction romance trope of alien abduction, what do you see? Big, beefy, brawny, well-built men! So this is how THE ENTITLED got started.


Aspiring astrophysicist Gelsey Dewitt is having a very bad day. First her professor dumps her in the middle of a seduction. Then, after a communication from another star system is received and translated by NASA, most of her student group is chosen to accept the invitation and will journey to an alien planet... but, alas, not her. As if that isn’t enough to ruin her day, then she is pursued by a persistent body-builder type of guy, Zaccheus, who doesn’t take “no” for an answer. When he offers to show her his secretive home, she inadvertently says “yes”. Then next thing Gelsey knows is that she wakes up as prisoner in a very strange place--a place with futuristic furniture, blue-tinged food, identical male quadruplets who think her feet are tiny, and broad, powerful Zaccheus who seems to have the hots for her. Where on God’s good Earth is she?


Proud Brhite Warrior, Zaccheus of the Fortis Gladius clan, a member of the Entitled ones on his planet, Brhin Primus, desires to become a Leader for his people. In order to accomplish his goal, he learns he must choose as mate a female from an inferior world, Terra. At first repulsed by the idea, he then vows to do what must be done since this female is foretold to become a savior for his suffering world. He travels to the lowly Terran planet and, as soon as he spots Gelsey, he knows she is the one. He does her the very greatest honor of selecting her for the Treaty of Union, but she... she has the audacity to refuse him, to reject him. How is Zaccheus supposed to become a Leader for his people and save Brhin Primus if Gelsey will not become his chosen mate?

After being turned down for an interstellar mission, Gelsey ends up going anyway when she is abducted by an alien.

The print copy is on Amazon.

THE ENTITLED is available at The print copy is on Amazon. It’s received great reviews including 5 stars!

Here are some wonderful reviews:

* When most people think about Alien Abduction, they think of a late-night, anonymous capture, the purpose of which is to do nefarious deeds to the Human. In THE ENTITLED, the abduction is almost by consent. Almost. And there are very worthwhile reasons for this snatching of an Earth woman, Gelsey, by alien warrior Zaccheus. As one character told Gelsey, “Who wouldn’t want to get abducted by Zaccheus?” Indeed! Both Gelsey and Zaccheus learn to respect each other and the cultures on both of their worlds, but giving up her planet for his is a monumental decision for her to make. Will she do it? As for Zaccheus, I loved how he came to change his way of thinking: pairing with an insignificant Terran? Repugnant!! I am “Entitled” to read this wonderful story, and you will be too! Two thumbs up!--On The Edge Reviews

* 5 Stars! An alien abduction, that’s what Ms. Knight’s newest novel, THE ENTITLED, is about. This is another action-packed adventure and highly sensuous read by the Queen of Romance Writing with a Twist! Take a flight to a faraway planet. Solve the mystery of a world fighting with itself. Have a taste of Zaccheus, an Entitled one and one of the sexiest men alive--human OR alien. Will Earther Gelsey accept or reject proud Brhite warrior, Zaccheus? Grab a copy and find out!--Norwood Reviews

This book is part of the Fascinating Sci-Fi line.

Here’s a real life tidbit. At the beginning of THE ENTITLED, Gelsey and her xenopology group gather at a pub on the Big Island of Hawaii. McDwyer’s. McDwyer’s Pub is a nod to an Irish bar from my old neighborhood. One thing I like to joke about is that my neighborhood had at least one bar and one hair salon on every block! No kidding!

Truthfully, with all those bars around--and believe me, there were many!-- I only visited one once. I didn’t go into McDwyer’s, but McMahon’s Bar, closer to my address. Alas, as I understand it, in this neighborhood, all the Irish bars are closed. L

Let’s drink a mug of Irish beer in their honor!

Sitting in a dark corner booth at McDwyer’s Pub, Gelsey Dewitt ignored her noisy surroundings to focus on the bottle of half-finished Bud Light beer. She waited for Hazel Perry to burst in through the pub’s solid oak door, allowing sunshine to brighten the tavern’s dark interior. Her friend was late, but then again she usually was, so that wasn’t why Gelsey felt lower than a hole.

The why of it sat, unconcerned, at the bar counter, hanging out with other members of her elite xenopology group. She glanced over at the man who had so callously stomped on her heart.

Gulping down distress, she then turned her attention back to the sweating beer bottle in front of her. Even now she couldn’t look at Professor William Wynne’s elongated face, unruly shock of flaxen hair, and erudite black glasses that always slipped down his long nose... no, she couldn’t look at him without a pang of regret, or was that embarrassment? Something, anyway--some emotion squeezed her ill-used heart.

Gelsey took a long gulp from the beer bottle. Forget about sipping; she wanted to forget... she needed to forget what had happened last night in Wynne’s hotel room.

A bar or pub or tavern was, by necessity, dark and a bit gloomy. But even with this murky atmosphere, she felt as if her cheeks actually radiated pink with mortification.

I hope you enjoy Gelsey and Zaccheus’ out-of-this-world story!

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Monday, March 3, 2025


THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD first started as a writing exercise. Back in the last century (!) I belonged to a writers group--published authors and earnest beginners included. One of the writing exercises assigned was a phrase, sort of like a “What if” situation, to jumpstart the imagination. Since it was so long ago, I don’t remember what the exact phrase was except that it had something to do with something being thrown. What was thrown, the setting, story genre, and circumstances were all up to the writer.

It didn’t take long for me to come up with an idea. Set in Regency times, the short paragraph I wrote was about an impoverished young miss who flung a pouch filled with guineas back at the toplofty lord who had thrown it at her. He’d wanted her to remove herself and her aunt from his newly acquired lodgings. The coins were thrown to reimburse her for her trouble. The affronted young lady, Katrina Jones, stood her ground.



Impoverished Katrina Jones is determined to earn a living by pursuing a career. Her landlord, the Earl of Udall, has other ideas for her. Can she set aside her fears about marriage and learn that trust goes hand in hand with love?


Quentin Thornhill, the Earl of Udall, is used to having his own way. When the delightful Katrina inadvertently thwarts his plans to install his latest mistress at his newly-won lodging, he begins to realize that not all females are as devious as the women he has known. Can he overcome his cynicism and give his heart to this young and innocent silhouettist?

This novel was on the publisher’s best-seller list and has also been on the’s best-seller list, and earned two FIVE STAR reviews on Goodreads.

THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD is now available on,, and Universal Link.

Lord Udall plans to install his mistress at his newly won lodging, but impoverished Katrina wants to live there instead. Who will be the victor? eBook and and Universal Link

Another THE RELUCANT LANDLORD fun fact is that the characters of Katrina and Quentin make a brief appearance in another Regency--A CONTINENTAL MARRIAGE. It was so cool revisiting their personalities, along with a few of the other folks in the book!

This book is part of the Elegant Regencies line.

For those of you who like to read reviews, here are a few!

Whenever I think of Regency romance, the names Mary Balogh and Carla Kelly come easily to mind. Susanne Marie Knight, a name not familiar to many, pens THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD, a wonderful story that is sure to touch the hearts of Regency fans, and establish her as one of the rising stars of Regency romance. THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD is a delightful Regency romp which will titillate with its diverse and well-created characters. Both Quentin and Katrina are well-developed. Along with Quentin and Katrina, Ms. Knight creates a menagerie of secondary characters that is unique and memorable. The Dowager, Aunt Hattie, and the evil Therese come quickly to mind. Four-year-old Freddy also stands out as we watch him more from a quiet, scared boy to a vibrant energetic individual bubbling with laughter. Wonderful characterization, a perfect sense of the Regency era, and a well-developed plot makes THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD one of the best Regency romances I’ve read so far for the year. Ms. Knight is a formidable talent!--Word On Romance

THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD was a wonderful Regency adventure. The characters were just heroic enough that they came across as both warmly human and singularly unique. The reader can cheer through their initial backbiting and later problems, and easily finds herself swept along a roller coaster ride of excitement that ends all too quickly. Another plus was that the villains were actual three-dimensional people, not the stereotypical people cutouts that serve as antagonists in some novels. The ending is poignant and eminently satisfying--a sure bet for anyone who enjoys the sweeter side of historical romance. Packed full of action, emotional drama, and of course, romance, THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD is wonderful proof of Ms. Knight’s talents at both characterization and setting. Readers should watch this gifted author--she is a star in the making.--Paranormal Romance Reviews

Ms. Knight has written yet another enjoyable romp illustrating the development of an unlikely relationship between two opposites. Her quirky sense of humor and endearing characters provide hours of reading pleasure, along with a fast moving plot written smoothly and seemingly without effort. Well-rounded characters, which thoroughly likeable, are not without their faults, which serve to add compelling back-story and character development beneath the talents of Ms. Knight’s pen. She has once again delivered with THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD.--Road To Romance

THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD is a well-written book which contains very good characterizations. If you like brooding heroes, this is a book for you. Ms. Knight has created a very believable villainess, who I wanted to strangle. THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD is the third book that I have read by this author, but hopefully it won’t be the last. I truly enjoyed all of Ms. Knight’s books, and will be looking for her other titles. I only hope she writes more Regencies.--The Best Reviews

The author deftly portrays a relationship that goes from battling to lively to warm, and four-year-old Freddie is a heart-grabbing little tyke. THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD shows us once again that the path of true love seldom runs smooth. Quentin and Trina face conflict after conflict. Some are the result of the differences between an innocent country girl and a disillusioned man of the world. Some are caused by the evil intentions of others. In either case, they make for intriguing situations. For a well-wrought plot about lives gone wrong, love, redemption and just desserts, I recommend THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD.--Romance Reviews Today

THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD is a lighthearted romance... There are a lot of obstacles in the Earl and Katrina's path before they can find true love. Fortunately, the Earl is a man used to getting his own way and sweeps aside anyone who tries to thwart him. Though he is formidable, he is still rather a likable character. Susanne Marie Knight wrote the characters well and it is evident that they are thoroughly thought out. They interact with each other superbly and this makes them all the more interesting. A Romance Review

Susanne Marie Knight clearly knows her historical period: in THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD she gives her Regency heroine an interesting but unique occupation in keeping with the times. A surprising plot twist forges Katrina and Quentin’s connection into something more serious.--Romantic Times Magazine


One of my favorite bits and pieces from real life is that in THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD, the character of young Freddy likes to insist he's Arthur, the future Duke of Wellington, a hero from the Napoleonic Wars. I can thank a child from my daughter's pre-school for this idea. Out of the blue, a little boy walked over to me and with a serious face, told me he was Batman! Below, we find Constance, Quentin’s mother and Freddy’s grandmother, reminiscing:

Retrieving her hanky from behind her back, Constance blotted at the moisture seeping from her eyes. "Freddy’s current hero is Wellesley, you know. The dear boy corrects me if I call him Freddy. ‘I’m Viscount Wellington, Grandmama,’ he says. ‘I fight that nasty Bonaparte.’ Lord, Freddy reminds me so much of his father Robert."

Also, Katrina has an unusual hair color. At one time I did also: blonde and brown. Here’s a passage soon after Quentin has his first run-in with Katrina.

Miss Jones’ hair was a most strange color combination: sun-ripened maize--almost white in its intensity, yet streaked by coppery brown. Most unusual. Yet he was certain he had seen this mixture before. But where? And why was he waxing poetic over a thing as mundane as a woman’s hair?

THE RELUCTANT LANDLORD starts with a very dark hero who has been deceived by the important women in his life. The impoverished heroine changes his mind about females and about love. His transformation from cynic to lover is an interesting journey, and at the end, the “villainess” comments: “You have become too... domesticated... for my tastes.” There’s also a surprise twist to a secondary character that even I didn’t know would happen when I was writing the story!

If you love Regency romance, this book’s for you! I hope you enjoy Katrina and Quentin’s story.

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


I’ve always been mesmerized by the mystical tale of King Arthur and Camelot. Honestly, who isn’t intrigued by this long ago tale? Is King Arthur real? Is the story truly magic or just a tale imagined by a wandering troubadour? Writing about this fascinating legend was something I’d wanted to explore for a long time. When I learned--just by chance (or was it??)--that there was a Stonehenge Memorial in Washington State, well, that sealed the deal for me!

Although many authors use the five elements of writing fiction: Who, What, When, Where, and Why to lead to the sixth element--Plot--I usually do the reverse. I come up with the plot, the idea of a story, and then decide the who, what, when, where, and why after that. So the idea was to write a fantasy romance based on the folklore of King Arthur, but to give it a modern twist.


Heather Woods suddenly learns her boyfriend, Connor, cancelled their summer plans. Determined to forget about him, she visits her flaky godmother, Nerissa, instead, for an impromptu vacation. Nerissa insists that Heather has a healing gift, something Heather doesn’t believe. But when she experiences visions... hallucinations... or whatever her jaunts back to Camelot are, she fears for her sanity. Meeting a man that might actually be Merlin the magician, and his very attractive nephew, Matthew, along with assorted other characters convince Heather that she’s in the middle of a strange, metaphysical phenomenon.


Judge Matthew Limner also finds his vacation plans changed. He receives a call from a long-lost Uncle Mallory--so long-lost that he hadn’t even known Mallory existed. Mallory flies in from London, and expects to go sightseeing with Matthew. Resigned, Matthew plays the host. First stop: the Stonehenge Memorial in southern Washington. A chance encounter--or is it?--with Nerissa and Heather convince Matthew that something much more than coincidence is happening in this tiny corner of the world.

An urgent summons resurrects Merlin the magician to once again meddle in the affairs of men.,, and Universal Link

UNCOVERING CAMELOT is available at and and Universal Link in addition to other internet locations. It’s received great reviews including 5 Stars on Amazon!

This book is part of the Magical Fantasies line.

Here’s a real life connection. A chance remark by a friend about being the youngest child in a family of seven daughters set me to thinking. Seven daughters conjured up fairy tales I’d read growing up. The hero of the fairy tale was often the seventh son of the seventh son. I couldn’t ignore this opportunity. My heroine, Heather Woods, had to be the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter, thereby enabling her to have a magical experience.

Also, since the Stonehenge replica built in Washington State plays an important role in the novel, I had to go on a field trip. I found the monument lovely, eerie, and quite desolate. 

Visiting Goldendale and Maryhill, Washington where the Memorial is located, also gave me a chance to wander through the beautiful Maryhill Museum. Here I across a lovely sculpture that I incorporated into the story.

Scene Set-up: On the grand lawn of the Maryhill Museum, Heather walks with Desmond Redmord, a man with an uncanny resemblance to Camelot’s Mordred, Arthur’s nephew and illegitimate son.

Desmond pointed at a beautiful glass sculpture, wavy with multicolored stalks as if imitating a living plant. Sitting on a blanket just beyond the chained area around the sculpture was a dark-haired woman. Her hair was so dark as to be midnight black--long and flowing. She stared at Heather with a gaze as piercing as Desmond’s. Her vivid red lips were turned into a petulant frown.

Heather gulped down unease. Did she really want to meet Moriah Redmord, a woman who just might’ve been the reincarnation of the medieval witch, Morgeuse?

I hope you enjoy Heather and Matthew’s magical story.

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Sometimes LOVE does find us, but at that particular time, we’re not ready for it. That’s what happens to Wilson Struthers.

Here’s the blurb:

Wilson Struthers is an ambitious attorney who advances his career by marrying eighteen-year-old Andrea, the boss’ daughter. Things go according to plan... until Andrea is lost at sea. Seven years later, Wilson marries again. Then the fun begins!

Now the dilemma: How do I craft this tale so that when Wilson and Andrea meet seven years later, they don’t recognize each other? How can I make this story believable?

Ah, that’s the rub! For Andrea, she suffers from total amnesia of her former life and becomes Anakalia Lawai’a, and for Wilson, well, let’s just say twenty-five-year-old Andrea looks very different from his virgin bride.

ONE WIFE TOO MANY was previously published by and  is now available on and!

Seven years after his bride is lost at sea, Wilson marries again. Bigamist! and and Universal Link

This book is part of the Romantic Contemporaries line.

ONE WIFE TOO MANY earned Best-Seller status at and is a Favorite in libraries across the United States including North Texas Libraries On The Go.

Here are some fabulous reviews:

5 STARS! Some books are meant to be classics. ONE WIFE TOO MANY is in this category. We are introduced to the main characters, Andrea and Wilson, as they just get married. Both of them are making a major mistake. Wilson, to get promoted, and Andrea, to escape her unloving father. But on the Hawaiian honeymoon night, Andrea’s eyes get cruelly opened, and she makes another bad choice, only to get swept overboard in a storm-tossed sea. Her body is never recovered. Seven years pass. Wilson is a sadder man, filled with regret, but feels it’s time to move on. He remarries. Then the unthinkable happens: his job sends him back to Hawaii where... ONE WIFE TOO MANY is a perfect second chance at love story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading how they met each other again with no recognition, and yet there was something achingly familiar that they just couldn’t identify. A wonderful treat for anyone who’s a romantic at heart!--Norwood Reviews

5 STARS! Amazing Book! After reading The Reluctant Landlord, which I was very impressed with, I decided to read another one of Susanne's books, One Wife Too Many. She did not disappoint me with this book either. Both books I thought were terrific. I would recommend both books to anyone and now I'm going to go onto one of her other books. I'm picking one of her short stories The Teachers Pet. I'm sure I will not be disappointed with that either. One Wife Too Many I read in one day as I could not put it down!--Reader Review

Susanne Marie Knight's books are always fun, sexy and tender. Her latest, ONE WIFE TOO MANY is all of the above, a real feel-good story. Andrea is young and innocent when she marries Wilson, who is an ambitious lawyer in her father's firm. Before the wedding night, she's lost at sea. He remarries, she survives and their lives get really complicated.--UP Reviews

This is a wonderful (as usual) love story. You’re soo good, Sus. Thanks so much!-- Reader Comment

Susanne’s plot pacing is, as always, superb!--Reader Comment

Brilliantly written--Book Review

This book is great! I adore Andrea, and as for Wilson--yum! Thanks so much for this refreshing read!-- Reader Comment

Whenever I want to take a Hawaiian vacation, I reread ONE WIFE TOO MANY. I love this story!-- Reader Comment

An excellent retelling at a second chance a love story!-- Reader Comment

Here is a popular book trailer for ONE WIFE TWO MANY, for the Uncial Press version.


Below are a couple of tidbits from my life that helped me write this novel. The islands of Hawaii play a large role in ONE WIFE TOO MANY. During a terrifying storm, Andrea is swept overboard from the deck of a company yacht in the channel of waters between Molokai and Maui. I also was violently tossed about in a small yacht navigating very rough seas. Fortunately, I remained onboard!

Here’s how Wilson (Will) experienced the storm:

Still holding his drink, Will carefully maneuvered past annoyingly loud slot machines and equally annoying drunken passengers until he walked out the casino doors.

Once in the carpeted corridor, he stood a moment to get his bearings. Wrong move. A giant wave crashed against the starboard side of the ship. Will lost his balance... and his drink, and smashed into the wall.

While his crystal tumbler harmlessly bounced on the carpeted floor, the glassware inside the casino wasn’t as lucky. The tinkling of breaking glass was loud enough to be heard out in the corridor. Evidently everything that wasn’t nailed down on the bar counter had slid to the other end, then landed down onto the floor.

What a waste of booze!

Will grinned, righted himself and took a step. Another wave crashed into the ship, knocking him full force him back into the wall.

Damn. The shit just got kicked out of him. If Andrea had been seasick before, there was no telling just how badly she was feeling right now. Urgency fueled his movements.

Here’s how Andrea experienced the storm:

Although unsteady footing was a problem, she managed to get to the stairway and headed up one level for the casino deck.

The yacht personnel were prepared for this type of weather. Little white bags had been placed on each step by the wall... just in case.

Thank goodness she didn’t need to use one. Her stomach was behaving nicely. And actually, she had to admit, it was fun to be thrown from one side of the carpeted wall to the other.

Andrea grinned. Maybe now that she was a married woman, she could handle things better than before.

After Andrea washes up in the city of Hilo on the big island of Hawaii, she is welcomed into the bosom of a traditional Hawaiian family, the Lawai’as. Since she has no memory of her previous life, she takes the name Anakalia, which means Andrea in Hawaiian. Seven years later, she reluctantly gives a stranger, Will, a tour of Hilo, including the famous Akaka Falls. Here’s a picture I took of Akaka Falls while on vacation there.

Here’s how Akaka Falls fits into the story:

Today was about as perfect as a day could be. Will thoroughly enjoyed pineapple pancakes for breakfast--an exotic treat for the palate--the tropical rainforest surrounding Akaka Falls, and the company.

Especially the company. Anakalia Lawai’a combined sultry beauty with a naiveté that stoked his growing desire.

Walking behind her in the dense jungle and watching her bewitching bottom sway as they’d traveled on a narrow path to the falls was nearly his undoing.

Or perhaps it was the primordial surroundings. Any minute he’d expected Tarzan to swing through the trees with his characteristic yell.

No, his overactive libido was all due to her.


So now you know part of what happens when Wilson finds out he has ONE WIFE TOO MANY! I hope you enjoy Andrea and Wilson’s book.

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Sunday, February 9, 2025


 Writing a series had been on my to-do list for a while. But what kind of series and what would it feature? After some thought, I decided to do a murder mystery series with romance mixed in, along with the character solving a murder. Voilà! The Minx Tobin Murder Mystery Series was born with THE BLOODSTAINED BISTRO as the first case.

Who is Minx Tobin, you ask? Minx is a fitness instructor newly relocated to Los Angeles, California, who has a knack for solving puzzles--puzzles concerning dead bodies. For fun, romance, and... unexpected corpses, follow her adventures in this murder mystery series!

For the Minx Tobin series, I like to plot a story on the basis of the title. I also enjoy the challenge of creating a meaningful title with the two words starting with the same letter. Strange but true! Beginning this series is The Bloodstained Bistro. Naturally, the bistro location figured prominently in the book.


Newly relocated Minx Tobin likes to help her friends. She also has a knack for solving puzzles. A huge puzzle in the form of a dead body soon gets dropped into her lap. Did waitress Brandi Evans murder her ex-boyfriend? Minx doesn't think so, but can she crack the Case of the Bloodstained Bistro?

 Overworked homicide lieutenant Gabe Harris has his fill of women... and dead bodies. The women he can handle. The dead bodies -- unfortunately they keep piling up. But on this particular case he meets a young woman that not only impedes his investigation, but she also has no interest in him. A healthy ego like his can't handle that. He'll have to keep an eye on Ms. Minx Tobin.

Here’s a picture of me conferring with the legendary detective, Sherlock Holmes on Minx Tobin’s latest case

Eating at Valentin's Bistro can be hazardous to amateur detective Minx Tobin's health, so why does she continue to dine at this restaurant? and

 Click here to view the popular book trailer for THE BLOODSTAINED BISTRO, with the original publisher:

This book is part of the Intriguing Mysteries line.

Here are some fabulous reviews:

4 Stars! Minx stirs the pot in a romantic suspense that will have you turning the page. Knight's story is a delightful feast for the suspense lover's soul. The writing is crisp, and the cast of characters are entertaining. [She] has created a vibrant and dynamic cast of characters. Each character has a distinctive voice... The novel is sweet for romance readers with Gabe and Minx sharing a tender touch. THE BLOODSTAINED BISTRO takes the reader along for the ride with Minx in the driver's seat.--Sally Pink Reviews.

4 Stars! Knight's story is a delightful feast for the suspense lovers’ soul. The writing is crisp, and the cast of characters are entertaining. The novel is sweet for romance readers with Gabe and Minx sharing a tender touch. "The Bloodstained Bistro" takes the reader along for the ride with Minx in the driver's seat.--EZine Articles.

Minx Tobin is caught in the middle of a murder when a customer of the Elite Exercise Emporium is arrested. She is sure the young woman didn't do it and begins to ask questions. However, her sleuthing brings her to the attention of Lieutenant Gabe Harris and there is something about him that annoys Minx. And Gabe deliberately bugs her by using her first name, something she considers bad manners. This is the first in the Minx Tobin series by talented author Susanne Marie Knight and you'll be waiting for the next one, just to see what happens next. The hint of romance blended in, promise sparks will fly. I'm pleased to recommend The Bloodstained Bistro to any mystery fan. The interesting settings and characters will keep you reading. Enjoy. I

5 Stars! A nice way to pass the time!--Reader Comment

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed THE BLOODSTAINED BISTRO--it's fantastic! And I'm so excited to read the next book in the series. All the characters are wonderful!-- Reader Comment

4 Stars! This book is one that is a good way to spend a few hours on a cold winter day. Not a Reviews

4 Stars! Good ending. Kept me guessing until the end.--Amazon Reviews.

Minx and Gabe are a match made in heaven. I love mysteries. Combined with romance, they are irresistible. Luck in all you do.--Reader Comment

Your mystery series is great!--Reader Comment

Susanne's new book is 'GREAT'!! VERY interesting! Congratulations to Susanne!--Reader Comment

I have been wanting to read this book, Susanne. I can't wait!-- eader Comment


Now for the slices of real life. Inspiration for Minx came from my own fitness background; I worked behind the scenes for an exercise program shown on public television. This experience also came in handy when I wrote my English murder mystery TAINTED TEA FOR TWO. I always admired personal fitness trainers who made exercise look so easy!

And speaking of personal, Minx Tobin’s stomach tends to talk when she’s hungry. I confess; mine does too! This can be embarrassing, but does serve a purpose when advancing the story line. Here’s an example. Minx is getting ready to leave L.A.P.D Headquarters when Homicide Lieutenant Gabe Harris walks over to her car in the parking lot.

 Harris nodded. "What are you doing at headquarters?"

"Leaving." Minx’s actions weren't any of his business, thank goodness.

He folded his arms across his chest, and for some reason, she reconsidered her answer. Maybe he subtly intimidated her. "I thought I'd visit Brandi Evans to cheer her up, but she's at the medical clinic."

There. Minx fulfilled her duty as obedient citizen, didn't she? As she extended her arm with the key toward the car lock, her stomach growled. Loudly. Loud enough to be heard. She felt herself flush.

"Hungry?" he asked with a touch of humor lightening his voice.

Why bother answering the obvious? She turned the key in the lock. Her stomach spoke again.

From out of the blue, Harris said, "I'll take you to dinner."

She bristled. "Will you?" The nerve of the man! He just assumed she would acquiesce, that she'd be grateful. He didn't ask her, he told her. Well, he had another thing coming.

"I'm not that hungry, Lieutenant." Unfortunately, her traitorous tummy denied her words. She finished unlocking the car door, looking for a swift escape.

He leaned closer, and she could smell his masculine scent. Her heart beat faster. Why? Anticipation?

"Look, Ms. Tobin, I'm off duty. I need dinner and so do you. Why don't we eat together?"


I hope you enjoy Minx and Gabe’s adventures. There are lots more surprises in store for them as the series progresses. There are seven cases in the series. Book Number Two is THE ILL-GOTTEN INSURANCE.

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

More On ENTANGLED--New Release!


For those of you who enjoy press releases, here's the info on ENTANGLED.

ENTANGLED by author Susanne Marie Knight

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Available electronically at,, and

Price: $3.99

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Price: $10.99


After a humiliating divorce, Tricia starts over again in her old neighborhood. Someone, however, is weaving a tangled web around her to guarantee her... death!


After a humiliating divorce, Tricia Nichols née Presson returns to her old neighborhood and focuses on rebuilding her life. She moves back into her mom’s apartment and, while she works as a home health aide, she takes college courses online. She has no intention of starting another relationship or getting entangled in other people’s lives. Been there, done that. Fate has other plans for Tricia as she unexpectedly gets reintroduced to old friends, foes, former crushes, and her childhood nemesis--Steven McPherson. Steven wants to make amends for the past, however now, for some reason, her life is in great danger. And that’s putting it mildly. How many times has she almost been killed? Time is running out for Tricia. Can she survive this treacherous web surrounding all her former classmates?


Billionaire inventor Steve McPherson has gone the solo route, and obviously he’s been successful at it. Suddenly however, he finds himself targeted to be eliminated because of a miraculous healing device of his. Recovering from a serious car “accident”, he needs a home health aide. Imagine his surprise when his helper turns out to Patricia, a girl he thoroughly embarrassed in ninth grade. Patricia is just a lovely as he remembered, and soon he wants her to view him as a suitor, not a patient. But when her life is threatened repeatedly, he gives his all to save... and to woo his pretty Patricia Presson.

Praise for ENTANGLED:

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...” ENTANGLED, that’s the title of fav author Susanne Marie Knight’s latest romantic suspense. Tricia Nichols returns home to start... or restart her life only to get “entangled” with a cast of characters from her school years, in addition to her new clients, and not to forget her domineering mom’s cronies. But not everyone is glad to see Tricia back in town. Someone decides to put a bulls-eye on her back, and soon she’s fearing for her life. If that isn’t bad enough, Tricia’s newest client is the one boy who thoroughly humiliated her in ninth grade. Too bad Steven McPherson is a billionaire now. And is a handsome stud muffin. And says he wants to “woo” her. Instead of wooing, Steven has to protect her. Which suspect is the villain... or is it more than one? Read ENTANGLED to find out!--Mystery Maven’s Reviews

5 stars! ENTANGLES provides a rollercoaster of a ride! Picking up the pieces of her life, Tricia returns to her old neighborhood. While some things have stayed the same, a great many things are different, proving that you can never go home again. Minding her own business, she gets attacked by a bowl of pea soup, almost smashed by a rogue air conditioner, shot at, nearly run over, dumped in an alleyway, and abducted by an unscrupulous would-be thief. Plus she gets wined and dined by a sexy billionaire. All this happens while she concentrates on her home health clients. Do yourself a favor and get “ENTANGLED” up in this suspenseful read!--Barry B. Reviews

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Get “Entangled” in this second chance romance!

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!


Sunday, January 19, 2025


You can never go home... but what if you could? What if you did?

This is the theme of my newest romantic suspense, ENTANGLED. Here, the heroine, Patricia Presson Nichols, suffers a life defeat and returns to her childhood home with her tail between her legs, so to speak. She’s reinvented herself as Tricia Nichols and is determined to start anew, however none of that matters. Everyone from her past refers to her as Pretty Patricia Presson, the nickname from her youth that she hates.


After a humiliating divorce, Tricia Nichols née Presson returns to her old neighborhood and focuses on rebuilding her life. She moves back into her mom’s apartment and, while she works as a home health aide, she takes college courses online. She has no intention of starting another relationship or getting entangled in other people’s lives. Been there, done that. Fate has other plans for Tricia as she unexpectedly gets reintroduced to old friends, foes, former crushes, and her childhood nemesis--Steven McPherson. Steven wants to make amends for the past, however now, for some reason, her life is in great danger. And that’s putting it mildly. How many times has she almost been killed? Time is running out for Tricia. Can she survive this treacherous web surrounding all her former classmates?


Billionaire inventor Steve McPherson has gone the solo route, and obviously he’s been successful at it. Suddenly however, he finds himself targeted to be eliminated because of a miraculous healing device of his. Recovering from a serious car “accident”, he needs a home health aide. Imagine his surprise when his helper turns out to Patricia, a girl he thoroughly embarrassed in ninth grade. Patricia is just as lovely as he remembered, and soon he wants her to view him as a suitor, not a patient. But when her life is threatened repeatedly, he gives his all to save... and to woo his pretty Patricia Presson.

After a humiliating divorce, Tricia starts over again in her old neighborhood. Someone, however, is weaving a tangled web around her to guarantee her... death!,, and Universal Link

Buy links:


Here are some wonderful reviews:

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...” ENTANGLED, that’s the title of fav author Susanne Marie Knight’s latest romantic suspense. Tricia Nichols returns home to start... or restart her life only to get “entangled” with a cast of characters from her school years, in addition to her new clients, and not to forget her domineering mom’s cronies. But not everyone is glad to see Tricia back in town. Someone decides to put a bulls-eye on her back, and soon she’s fearing for her life. If that isn’t bad enough, Tricia’s newest client is the one boy who thoroughly humiliated her in ninth grade. Too bad Steven McPherson is a billionaire now. And is a handsome stud muffin. And says he wants to “woo” her. Instead of wooing, Steven has to protect her. Which suspect is the villain... or is it more than one? Read ENTANGLED to find out!--Mystery Maven’s Reviews

5 stars! ENTANGLES provides a rollercoaster of a ride! Picking up the pieces of her life, Tricia returns to her old neighborhood. While some things have stayed the same, a great many things are different, proving that you can never go home again. Minding her own business, she gets attacked by a bowl of pea soup, almost smashed by a rogue air conditioner, shot at, nearly run over, dumped in an alleyway, and abducted by an unscrupulous would-be thief. Plus she gets wined and dined by a sexy billionaire. All this happens while she concentrates on her home health clients. Do yourself a favor and get “ENTANGLED” up in this suspenseful read!--Barry B. Reviews

This book is part of the Romantic Suspense line.

For my real life tidbit, I’d like to talk about some of the people in ENTANGLED. While all of these folks are unique characters, some snippets of dialogue and situations in this romantic suspense are actually true and did happen to me. Before you get any ideas, no, I was not accosted on a date at an ice cream parlour, or any other place, and none of my friends were, either!

Here’s what master writer Stephen King has to say about real life tidbits: “Interject some of YOU in your writing. What you know or have experienced or that someone you know has experienced.”

Below are some true-to-life situations from some of the characters:

Bob Beeks--overactive libido at age 8... or 10? Yep, I knew a guy like that.

Brody Arturo~~persistant in asking me out several times? Yep, that happened.

Darin Freed~~handwrestling in class? Yep, and naturally, I lost!

Emma Jovitz~~best friend and as alike as two peas in a pod? Oh yeah, BFFs.

Kent Daly. Well, I’ll let Tricia talk about this guy:

As for Kent, he was still classically handsome and also extremely tall. As Tricia remembered, she and Kent had never said much to each other in school; they’d always been in different classes. She had liked to think that he noticed her... in a good way, but at the senior dance held in the gymnasium, she’d overheard him say to his much shorter dancing partner that there were some real tall girls at the gym and that they weren’t good to dance with because of that particular fact.

Her secret crush for him had died right then and there. She’d been tall for her age, and that hadn’t stopped a guy--a shorter guy--from asking her to dance. Unfortunately she and her dance partner had been next to Kent when he’d opened his mouth. She couldn’t help thinking that he was actually speaking about her.

Tricia shrugged. That had been a lifetime ago: thirteen years. Who cared if this well-dressed jerk standing in front of her didn’t like to dance with tall girls?

So there you have it! For a modern day romantic suspense, try getting ENTANGLED in my second chance romance. I hope you enjoy Tricia and Steve’s story. 

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!
