Tuesday, May 21, 2024


The idea for AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE started when I re-watched the movie, “Notting Hill” with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. In this film, Julia is an actress, and is shooting a period piece--maybe late nineteenth century--in England. Hugh visits her on the set.

I thought, what if my heroine is an actress (or a would-be actress), in a Regency period piece, and then suddenly time-travels back to Regency England? At first she’d believe she was still on the movie set. Were the people she met actors or extras--actual folks living in twenty-first century England?

Or, in Willa’s case, the people turn out to be genuine Regency inhabitants.



Eighteen-year-old Willa Berkeley lives in the shadow of her famous actress mother. Although Willa’s greatest hope is to be a ballet dancer, she agrees to her mother’s desire for her to journey to England and take a small acting part in a major film production. Once on-site at Highbridge Hall, she learns the horrendous reason behind her mother’s “request.” Distraught, she makes a wish for happiness at the Hall’s supposedly enchanted lake. When morning comes, Willa is still at Highbridge Hall, however the film’s crew are no longer around. What in the world happened?


Ian Laydon, the Earl of Wrexham, returns to his father, the Marquess of Dunhaven’s, estate, Highbridge Hall, after an exhausting tour of duty mediating at the Congress of Vienna. His father wants Ian to marry a neighbor’s daughter, Arabella. Ian is a dutiful son; he plans to propose but his heart is unengaged. He wishes he could have a marriage as loving as the one his parents have. Oddly enough, right after his wish, he comes across an enigmatic young woman sitting against the granite bridge in front of him. Can she possibly be the answer to his wish?

Lights, camera, action... time travel! Modern day Willa, on-site on a movie set in England, makes a wish and then wakes up in the year 1815!

 Amazon.com and Smashwords.com

Available in print at Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Z13GZ3H 

This book is part of the prestigious Elegant Regencies line.

Here are some fabulous reviews:

5 Stars! One of the things I love about Susanne Marie Knight’s time-travels is that she uses a different method of time-travel in each book. Here, the method is a lake enchanted by fairy folk. The protagonist is a contemporary young woman on the verge of adulthood who struggles to find her way in her unsympathetic world. Willa has very real concerns; she comes alive for the reader. The novel is filled with believable characters: from the consumed-by-duty hero; to the headstrong, flighty Regency miss; to the sullen cousin; to name only a few. For a magically different romantic read, head over to the enchanted lake and read AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE!--Regency Fiction World

5 Stars! AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE is a charming time-travel Regency, complete with vivid characters, an interesting plot, and set in 1815 with accurate historical details. The main character, Willa, is only eighteen. How she grows from an insecure teen to confident young woman took this particular reader back to her youth! I stayed up all night to read this one. Enjoy this trip back to the past!--Twists On Romance Reviews 

I eagerly awaited Ms. Knight’s newest time-travel Regency and oh yes, I love AN IMPOSSIBLE ALLIANCE!--Reader Comment

5 Stars! A wonderful time travel love story! This author keeps surprising me! I have all her books now and am eagerly waiting for the next one!--Reader Review 


For my tidbit from real life, I’ll include this: My heroine, Willa, is just eighteen years old. So, I had to jump back in time myself to reconnect with the angst of an eighteen-year old. Yikes. I reread diary pages from that period in my life and discovered I was rather emotional (no surprise), sometime clueless (ah well!), and yep, insecure.

I made Willa conflicted in her feelings as she tries to figure out not only her path in life, but also the male of the species (good luck with that!)

Here’s a scene set-up showing some of Willa’s confusion.

Scene Set-Up:

Misunderstandings abound! Ian Laydon returns to his ancestral home and believes the woman he finds by the enchanted lake is his neighbor’s daughter--and soon-to-be his intended--Arabella Carswell. However, it’s Willa Berkeley who wakes up after a wish at the enchanted lake. She believes she is in the middle of a film shoot with actors rehearsing their lines.


Ian smoothed his fingertips over Arabella’s soft-as-velvet cheek, and then he moved in closer. He had no choice; he was drawn to the honey of her lips. Catching her gaze, he held it and sent her an unspoken message. He wanted to taste those lips. Would she allow him the privilege? In truth, they had never exchanged a kiss before.

She gasped.

His heartbeat quickened, and he leaned in to accomplish his goal. “There is no need to stand on ceremony, my dear.” He inhaled more of her floral perfume. “After all, we are almost engaged, are we not?”

She stepped away from his touch and took another gulp of air. “I-I haven’t read the script yet. Are you... are you supposed to be my fiancé?”

What an interesting way to phrase their connection. He took her right hand and, delighting in the feel of her, kissed each of her fingertips. “I am if you say yes, my dear.”

“Oh!” She pulled her hand away, and then struck it against her delicate breast. “Goodness, I had no idea. I mean, no one told me what I’m supposed to do.”

She darted her gaze wildly about as if planning her escape. Indeed he was reminded of a trapped animal.

“So sorry,” she panted. “I-I’ve got to get back.” She quickly turned in the Hall’s direction.

He did not remember Arabella as being missish. Indeed, she had always seemed forward.

But that did not signify. People had a tendency to change. He blocked her path. “Stay, my dear. And please, forgive me. You are correct, of course. My apologies. I have not followed the proper procedures.”

Placing his arm through hers, he then headed for the lake, taking her acquiescence for granted. “Is Lord Carswell at the Hall?”

Her lower lip trembled. “I don’t know.” She looked skittish, but she did follow him.

“Never fear, I shall talk with him. Get his permission. Just a formality, I am assured. I daresay he has been longing for this event ever since you were born.” Ian lifted an eyebrow as he looked over at her. “I was under the impression that you were longing for it, as well.”

Even through the fringe of hair on her forehead, he could see her own eyebrows stretched high. She was puzzled. Why was that?

The beauty of the lake distracted him. Perhaps it would soothe her as well. Pulling her with him, he stood on the sandy shore and watched a family of mallards noisily float on the surface. As he did not have treats for them, they sailed past. Once the ducks were out of range, he picked up a stone and hurled it out onto the water. It skimmed and skipped on the surface, and then sank with a plunk.

“There.” He turned to her. “I feel better. Would you care to try it?”

She wrinkled her finely sculpted nose. “No. I don’t understand any of this. Is this part of the script? Are you and I suppose to--”

“Supposed to what?” She looked so desirable, he leaned over and nuzzled his chin against her well-formed ear. This close to her, he was lost indeed. “Supposed to kiss? I have been wanting to kiss you, my dear.”

He took a great liberty. He knew he did. But as he had told her, they were almost engaged. What would be the harm? Before she had a chance to slip away, he curved his arm around her and pulled her even closer, enjoying her feminine feel against his chest.

“Allow me the pleasure, my moppet,” he murmured. Then his lips touched hers.

So soft, so pliant, so wonderfully sweet. He tightened his hold and traced his tongue over the fullness of her lips.

For a moment, he had her. She did not move. She was his. The next second, she jerked away.

Her green eyes flashed fire. “No! You’re not that... that slimy goat of a director, are you?” 


I hope you enjoy Willa and Ian’ love story.

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!