Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Here’s another unusual "gem" of a story... or gemstone as in labradorite! QUANTUM KISSES is a contemporary/fantasy romance, or as the cover states: A romance novel of random possibilities. The consequences of choices are explored; for example, the heroine, Annabelle, makes three life-changing choices that then help shape her into the person she is at the present time. We see Annabelle as a ninth grader, as a senior in high school, and as a junior in college... to then view her as... well, you’ll see!

In this tale, the properties of Quantum Entanglement are briefly explored. The actual Introduction to QUANTUM KISSES is as follows: 

Quantum Kisses--what in the world does this title mean? Kisses, of course, are self-explanatory. Quantum, as in “Quantum Physics” however, is another matter entirely.


Frankly, an explanation of “Quantum Physics” is beyond the scope of this novel. After all, Quantum Kisses is a contemporary romance, not a scientific textbook explaining the intricacies of how everything in the universe works!


However, the mysteries of “Quantum Entanglement” do play a part in this romance novel of random possibilities. In “Quantum Entanglement”, for some unknown reason, two particles of matter can become connected. The two particles--photons or electrons--are inexorably linked no matter the physical distance and no matter the time--past, present, or future. If one particle leaps from one subatomic state to another, the other one does as well, and at the same time.


So what does “Quantum Entanglement” have to do with Quantum Kisses? Well, it all started one day when Annabelle Wilcott found a pretty stone...


As soon as ninth grader Annabelle Wilcott finds an unusual stone, she suddenly meets high school senior Sam Barnes. She’s immediately attracted to him, uncomfortably so, and this connection scares her silly. To protect herself, she gives him the cold shoulder. But over the years, Fate, or is it Quantum Entanglement?, keeps throwing Sam into her path. Three times she resists. Maybe, in Annabelle’s case, four times is a charm. 


Sam Barnes is an analytical physicist through and through, however he does have one superstition; he believes a certain gemstone that he carries in his pocket brings good luck. It might even bring the girl of his dreams. After encountering Annabelle Wilcott time and time again, he theorizes that they have a Quantum Entanglement... that they are inexorably linked. His job is to convince his reluctant Annabelle that she and he belong together. Maybe what is needed is a Quantum Kiss! 

Can an ordinary gemstone bring together two people clearly meant for each other? 

Amazon.com and Smashwords.com.

In print at Amazon.com.

Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/3nq2W9 

QUANTUM KISSES is available at Amazon.com and Smashwords.com, universal link, in addition to other internet locations.

Here are some wonderful reviews:

5 Stars! QUANTUM KISSES delivers an intriguing twist on romance! The reader even learns about Quantum Entanglement in this fun and frothy tale. Following young Annabelle through “decision points” in her adolescence into adulthood, we watch her become the woman she’s meant to be. Her path crosses Sam’s, over and over again, until finally, she’s ready to take the next step with him. All it takes is a Quantum Kiss! Don’t miss this one!--Twists On Romance Reviews

5 Kisses! In this imaginative tale, Annabelle and Sam are made for each other, only Annabelle is, to use a word, skittish. And why not? They first meet when she’s only fourteen. I love how Ms. Knight takes us back to junior high, high school, and college, to then vault into Annabelle’s present day adult life. Is a sparkling gemstone responsible for uniting these two would-be lovers? Read QUANTUM KISSES to find out!--Just Imagine Fanzine

This book is part of the Romantic Contemporaries and Magical Fantasies line.

Some real life tidbits: Well, to be frank, there are A LOT of real life tidbits in QUANTUM KISSES. This book took me only seven weeks to write--less, really, because the Christmas holidays and New Year’s celebrations were in this time frame, too.

Anyway, back in my school years I kept a diary, so if you’re wondering if some of the crazy dialogue and situations were based on actual events, then the answer is probably yes! And that’s all I’m going to say about that!


The two Phiz Quips that Annabelle wrote in her Physics notebook are actually ones I wrote in my senior year of high school. As Annabelle says, these Quips were written with artistic license!


Yeah, artistic license with those two poems. Nope, no “valentine” for me at present, and I haven’t failed a quiz... yet, anyway. Then again, the Physics Final was just two days ago. I honestly don’t know if I’m going to pass or fail.


Well, enough grousing!


So, for a “taste” of what school life was like back in the day, and also for a true love romance, be sure to read Annabelle and Sam’s story!

Susanne Marie Knight


Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!