Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stonehenge in Washington

Yep, I'm back from traveling to Stonehenge. Not the original, but the Stonehenge Memorial in Washington State. I've got a few pics for you to enjoy.

Here's a view of the monument, along with three dancing men:

A view from the inside:

The observatory at Goldendale:
A shot of our very own Moon:

The Maryhill Museum

And last... some alien flowers?

Anyhoo, had a great time doing research for Uncovering Camelot! Stay tuned for info on my upcoming (December 31) release A Noble Dilemma. And wait 'til you see the beautiful cover!!


Susanne Marie Knight
Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Coming December 31: A Noble Dilemma
(Aurora Regency, Aspen Mountain Press)
Bethany has a guilty secret that if discovered, will scandalize Polite Society and her new love, the Earl of Ingraham. What would Jane Austen do??

Coming January: The Minx Tobin Mystery Series: The Ill-gotten Insurance--Case Two
(Desert Breeze Publishing)
Minx's dead friend turns up alive... but not for long. Will the life insurance have to be paid twice?Book Trailer for Case One:

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