Thursday, January 5, 2012


COMPETITORS!: a paranormal romantic suspense. Anthropology enthusiast Vivianne Quinn gets more than she bargained for when she makes a date to “meet” a Neanderthal!

AN IMPOSSIBLE MEETING!: Vivianne Quinn is staying at her brother’s apartment to recover from a personal tragedy. Her visit is anything but tranquil, for soon a serial killer targets her as the next victim, she has to “babysit” a valuable artifact, and she falls in love with a stranger who is unlike anyone she has ever met. How will Vivianne react when she finds out just how different he really is?

NEANDERTHAL’S NEMESIS: It’s common knowledge that Neanderthals are extinct, vanished from the face of the planet about 30,000 years ago. What remains a mystery is how or why this sudden disappearance occurred. Sometimes, however, common knowledge can be wrong....


Susanne Marie Knight 
Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!


Anonymous said...

Excellent post! I think you've encapsulated the mission of this blog and our challenge.

Susanne Marie Knight said...

Thank you!