Sunday, August 13, 2017


THE YULETIDE YORKSHIRE is case number Five in my popular Minx Tobin Murder Mystery Series. For those of you not familiar with this series, click on the link for my Author Notes on THE BLOODSTAINED BISTRO, case number one, my Author Notes on THE ILL-GOTTEN INSURANCE, case number two, and my Author Notes on THE DUPLICITOUS DIVORCE, case number three, and my Author Notes on THE VIRTUAL VALENTINE, case number four.

Minx is a fitness instructor newly relocated to Los Angeles, California, who has a knack for solving puzzles--puzzles concerning dead bodies. For fun, romance, and... unexpected corpses, follow her adventures in this murder mystery series!

The fifth case in the Minx Tobin Murder Mystery Series takes place during Christmas. Yuletide and a darling Yorkshire play important roles in this novel. Naturally, the doggie’s name had to be Yo-Yo, the yuletide Yorkshire! :))

HO, HO, HO... OH!
Home for the holidays, Minx Tobin introduces her parents to her homicide lieutenant, Gabe Harris. Unfortunately for her, her ex-fiancĂ© Jared drops in on them, creating friction. But Jared soon needs Minx’s help in the sleuthing department because a gruesome “present” is found under the tree. Once again, Minx is hot on the trail of a desperate killer.

All Gabe wants to do is propose to the woman he loves. Instead, he has to deal with a cast of East Coast characters, including an unexpected murder. Why do dead bodies always seem follow Minx Tobin??

Artist’s rendering of a possible cover

Desert Breeze Publishing has published all six (to date) Minx Tobin novels. THE YULETIDE YORKSHIRE has received great reviews including FIVE Stars from Goodreads and 4.5 Stars from Sensual Reads! All books are available both electronically and in print.

Minx finds something unexpected under the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, it wasn’t something left by Santa. Ebook and Print

Here is a book trailer for THE YULETIDE YORKSHIRE:

This book is part of the Intriguing Mysteries line.

Here are some great reviews:

4 1/2 STARS! Once more Minx finds herself in the middle of the action, but this time she has the help of an experienced police officer to wade through the clues. Add to the mix an intelligent Yorkshire terrier who knows exactly where all the bodies are buried, and you have a team that cannot be beat. With lots of humor to keep things lively, Ms. Knight has the reader guessing until the she reveals the killer’s identity.--Sensual Reads

4 STARS! "This is Minx’s fifth case, but it’s the first time I’ve read this author’s work. Ms. Knight does a nice job of creating a cozy mystery that's a bit unusual. Who expects your next door neighbor to be shot to death? She gives you enough suspects, all with motive, so it’s not obvious right away who the culprit is. The author writes a story that flows well and includes some jealousy because the next door neighbor’s son was once engaged to Minx and Gabe isn’t sure the attraction is completely over. As Gabe works with Minx to solve this murder, the local cop is unhappy because they are messing in his case and he’s acting a bit funny towards Minx, too. Poor Gabe… The author writes a good drama/trauma story with almost everyone being a bit guilty for some reason. She also gets you into the romance between Minx and Gabe and you find yourself hoping neither one of them will be bullheaded enough to ruin their budding romance. Ms. Knight kept my attention and kept me reading to see just how she would end the story. I was not disappointed. If you like a good cozy mystery, get a cup of tea and find a comfortable chair. This one will fill the bill for you. Why not see if you can identify the murderer before Minx? I think you’ll be surprised by the way it turns out. --Long and Short Reviews

I love Minx Tobin! My favorite Who-Done-It series!--S.C.

This is a great mystery!--C.B.


Real life tidbit: Just look at this adorable puppy!! Wouldn’t you want to see him as a holiday gift?

Well, the truth of it is, I’m a cat person, so my tastes run more to Siamese kitties. Here’s a picture of my beloved little guy who is now in kitty heaven. 

Christmas isn’t the same without him running around under the tree, tearing with all the wrappings and making mischief. Fortunately, I now have a grandkitty who upholds this madcap tradition!


Of course, I’m partial (!) but isn’t he the sweetest little kitty?

Scene Setup: Minx lets Yo-Yo out in the snowy backyard, but now he scratches to get back inside... soon to cause havoc in Minx’s parents’ house!

Minx heard a scratching at the back door. “That must be Yo-Yo. I’ll let him in.” She walked over to the kitchen door, then opened it an inch.
The dog dashed through the opening like a shot from a gun. He disappeared into the living room.
Walking back into the living room, she asked, “Where’s Yo-Yo?”
Gabe munched on a cookie. “The dog flew out of the kitchen then dove under the tree.”
“Stupid dog,” her brother Eddie muttered.
Invisible, Yo-Yo softly whimpered. A mound of boxes shook with the dog’s movements.
Minx got to her knees and methodically moved aside presents to get to the terrier. “It’s okay, Yo-Yo. Come on out. You must be frozen, you poor thing.”
“All this fuss for a dog,” Eddie continued to mutter from the lounger.
Still hidden, Yo-Yo persisted in his whining. Biting her lip, Minx glanced at Gabe. Worry pierced her heart. What if the dear little guy had gotten hurt?
Finally she spotted Yo-Yo’s golden tan coat, then his dark, button eyes. “Here, baby. Come to me.”
She lifted the dog from the masses of presents, then although he was icy, hugged him to her chest and tried to warm him.
Gabe leaned forward in his chair. A thoughtful expression entered his cool blue eyes. “He’s got something in his mouth. Something gold.”
Did Yo-Yo have another Christmas gift for her?
Eddie made a move toward the dog. “Yeah, it’s shiny. Lemme get it out of his--”
Yo-Yo snarled at him.
“What’s gotten into Yo-Yo?” Minx adjusted the dog’s position so she had a better view of his face. A wide gold hoop extended out from his mouth.
It was an earring. An earring she recognized from last night.
Swallowing down her apprehension, Minx coaxed the jewelry hoop from the dog. Yo-Yo unclamped his grip, allowing the earring to fall into the palm of her outstretched hand.
She stared at the bright, gleaming gold hoop. Something was wrong with the earring. Something her eyes refused to see, but she forced herself to look again at the jewelry piece. Attached to the gold post was a small lump of beige. She peered closer. Part of this fleshy chunk was rounded, the other part ragged, torn.
A shudder traveled down Minx’s spine. “Oh my gosh! It’s an earlobe.”

I hope you enjoy Minx and Gabe’s adventures. There are lots more surprises in store for them as the series progresses. Case Number Six is THE EMBEZZLED ENVELOPE.

Happy reading,

Susanne Marie Knight
Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!